ROAD TO THE CHANGE" - Youth Exchange
From 01-04 December, 2019 an Advanced Planned Meeting of leaders for the project “ROAD TO THE CHANGE” took place in capital of Armenia in Yerevan. The meeting was organized by NGO Future In Our Hands /Armenia/ and brought together 6 participants and leaders from Armenia, Spain, United Kingdom, Poland, Croatia and Bulgaria.
The Project is financed by European Commission, within the framework of Erasmus Plus project. It consists of 2 parts APV from 01-04 December 2019 and Youth Exchange 5-13 May 2020. The participating countries will be Armenia, Spain, United Kingdom, Poland, Croatia and Bulgaria.
During the APV visit, the leaders from participating countries had the opportunity to contribute to the preparation process for the youth exchange that will be jointly organized and implemented from 5-13 May 2020 in Armenia. During the APV the leaders discussed all organizational issues including the target group, its needs and points of interests regarding the consumerism topic, venue of the project, content, timetable, activities shared responsibilities. Each leader’s contribution and input added a significant value to the meeting.
The participating organizations in the project are:
• Armenia - Future In Our Hands
• Spain - INNETICA
• United Kingdom - CRINNOVA Solutions Ltd
• Poland - Fundacja Instytut Rownowagi Spoleczno Ekonomicznej
• Croatia - Udruga gluhih i nagluhih Nova Gradiska
• Bulgaria - Association “Focus – European center for development”
The APV went very productive and in a positive atmosphere. The leaders departed to prepare their team for the Youth Exchange in May 2020.