Thursday, 12 September 2019 18:20

Project in Poland - FirstAid4Youth

Association Focus took part in the project FirstAid4Youth.
The FirstAid4Youth is a long-term project related to first premedical aid. The project equipped 48 youth workers (in 4 phases) with advanced tools, skills, and expertise in the field of in-depth first aid, creating an safe and efficient platform to exchange of experiences (supervised by 2 experienced
medical workers and 2 psychodrama practitioners) with the scope of providing mental comfort to the casualty of the accident.

The second mobility of the project "FirstAid4Youth"- quality and evaluation meeting took place between 9th and 15th of October 2019, in Poronin (Poland). The mobility was aiming to evaluate testing during the local phase first pre-medical skills, competences and knowledge, moreover to raise quality of the tools themselves.
The project aims to create a base and network of cooperation within the framework of effective, and tested in practice pre-medical skills in youth groups.

-to develop a high quality youth worker’s guide in the framework of first aid, detailing procedures, structure, descriptions and discussion of examples of youth workshops and dealing with health and life-threatening situations.
-to increase a competence in safety and life threatening situations, and the ability to communicate, raise awareness and engage young people in the mentioned subject
-to create and test advanced first aid tools in a diversified youth exclusion environment In addition, through the implementation of the project*F