Monday, 20 May 2019 18:09

Training course for youth workers on entrepreneurial skills

Vatra Dornei, Romania

03.05.2019 - 13.03.2019
Association “Focus – European Center for Development” took part in a training course that was held in Vatra Dornei, Romania from 03.05.2019 to 13.03.2019. The hosting organization from Romania D.G.T. Association has partners from six countries including Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Italy and Bulgaria. The topic of the training was on skills connected to entrepreneurship education, a part of the project “Start – up explorers 01.12.2018 – 31.12.2020”. Each country and organization had 3 participants to take part in that training. As well as different discussions and seminars on related topics there was also a visit to several local entrepreneurs, who shared their experience and answered questions. The participants exchanged their experience and good practice also related to young entrepreneurs from their countries.
Through using different non-formal tools and methods the participants increased their skills and competences to encourage other youngsters to become youth entrepreneurs. During the intercultural evenings the participants learned more about different cultures which helped them understand each other better and strengthen their cooperation. This training in Romania is the first of the three. The next two are in Uruguay in September and in Argentina in October/November 2019, where the same participants will meet again to produce the outcome of the project – a board game. The project is an inspiration for the youngsters to believe in themselves and to trust their skills and ideas.
The training was implemented as part of the project ”Start-up Explorers” under the Erasmus +; KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices -Capacity Building in the field of Youth .